WHY RECITE STOTRAM?:- Let us briefly discuss as to why should one listen to and recite stotras. But the borderline has become grey with the result that nowadays any hymn is being called a stotram. The popular Kanakadhara Stotram by Shri Shankaracharya and Hayagriva Stotram by Shri Vedanta Desika are examples of this kind. But some hymns composed by great acharyas or saints later on that were outpourings of intense devotion also carry the appellation stotram. Thus, we find these parts or components in these two stotras (NH) and (LH). This is known as phalashruti (फलश्रुतिः ।).

He also appends a list of benefits one will get by reciting it or using it in some specific manner as in a sacrifice or homa. Generally the sage who narrates it says something about its glory in the beginning. Thus the origin is not known and is lost in antiquity. They were narrated by some sage, but the sage himself is not the author. So also we call Aditya Hridayam as stotram.

Thus we call Vishnu Sahasranama and the Lalitha Sahasranama as stotras. It is generally found in vedas, puranas or itihasas such as the Ramayana or Mahabharatha. STOTRAM:- Customarily a stotram describes a hymn that is ancient. The kindly Lord accepts this kind of worship also. This makes it easy for a devotee to worship Him. The Lord in His true form is described in the scriptures as having no attributes or qualities such as name, form or qualities. गुणसंकीर्तनम् is stotram, says Shri Shankaracharya in his commentary to Vishnu Sahasranama. They all narrate the qualities of a deity. The appellation stotram, stuti and stavam all describe a hymn only. They belong to the category of stotram स्तोत्रम्. Narayana Hridayam stotram is unique in that it is coupled with another stotram Laxmi Hridayam to form a pair. (7) Vivekachudamani of Shri Shankaracharya - VC. (5) Shrimad Bhagavatham - BH (6) Lalitha Sahasranamam - LS.
Programma vasya diagnost 11112 rus torrent download. ArasANipAlai is one of the 18 Vaidika agrahArams situated between the two rivers, PaalARu and SeyyAr. SrI lakshmInArAyaNa stotram (Composed by SrI sevA Swamy) Introduction: We will visit the srotria village of ArasANipAlai, where SrI LakshmI nArAyaNa perumaL blesses us with MahA LakshmI seated on His left lap. సవః ం ః ః । says Amara, the Sanskrit lexicon. NH and LH belong to the category of stotram. This is to stress the fact that Lord Narayana and Laxmi are indeed one though spoken of as two different deities. (2) Laxmi Hridayam - LH (3) Vishnu Sahasranama with the commentary of Shri Shankaracharya - VS. INTRODUCTION:- The following abbreviations are used in the comments that follow.